Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 7

Still waiting on the epoxy and couldn't take the idea of the plywood being upside down on one end of the scarf. So, I turned 2 pieces over and around and re-scarfed them. Now the plywood faces will match.

Decided on the steps to attach all the skins and epoxy application. It is as follows:
  1. Glue scarfs
  2. Cut and apply the outside
  3. Cut and apply the inside
  4. Cut and apply the bottom
  5. Cut and lay floor, transon, and front
  6. Cut and lay the inside wall of the pontoon above the floor
  7. Fillet the inside and outside
  8. Cut top and front storage bulkhead, middle bench sides and fillet
  9. Fiberglass bottom and sides
  10. Epoxy inside (I haven't decided if I am going to fiberglass the inside yet)
  11. Cut and set transom and splash guards (researching glues/etc to make them removable if damaged)
  12. Paint
  13. Electrical
  14. Set in all hardware
I am probably missing a step, but it can be added as I go- or fixed.

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